Thursday, December 11, 2008

Orgasmic Birth

Just wanted to put this out there, I got this from another source, it is about a birth move being covered on 20/20 this week:
Here is the website for the movie if you are intrested in buying it. It is very good and has lots of good births in it in a few diffrent settings.

20/20 Features Orgasmic Birth
watch it this Friday!
Be sure to watch (or TiVo) 20/20 this Friday, December 12! Why? Because FINALLY an A-list media outlet in the United States is covering the "best-kept secret" - orgasmic birth. The link between childbirth and pleasure is crucial for women today to know as they make informed birth choices. Debra Pascali-Bonaro' s powerful film,
Orgasmic Birth, will be featured in the segment. (Yay, Debra! Many BOLD locations this year brought their community her ground-breaking film.). BOLD's 2007 organizer in Memphis, Tennessee, Kimberly Baker will be one of the stories in the segment! Kimberly not only produced the play, Birth, she also played the character Jillian..who has an orgasmic birth experience when giving birth to her forth child at the end of the play. BOLD is mentioned in the 20/20 online piece...and who knows...maybe we'll be mentioned in the television segment!

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