I got an award!!!! Yes, for a stay at home mom that spends way too much time, and loses much to much sleep blogging and Facebooking, a little blog award is kind of nice.
Here is a link to the mama who picked me (THANK YOU!!! It made my day):
Moo Said The Mama
so go check her out!
And here are the rules if I picked you:
I hope you will pass it along!
•Thank the blogger who awarded it to you.
•Sum up your blogging philosophy, motivation, and experience using ten (10) words.
•Pass it on to 10 other blogs which you feel have real substance.
My philosophy:
I think that the birth process is designed to prepare the mother for the struggles of motherhood, thus the name, Mama Birth. This blog seeks to empower and prepare women for a fantastic birth experience with information, birth stories, and good mama love. Birth does not just give us babies, it gives us mothers. (OK- more than 10 words...)
And so, without further ado, my favorite blogs:
1) The Atlas of Life-
This is an amazing blog by a friend, Brandon Harshe, about Upper Cervical Chiropractic. Brandon posts every day, except for Friday, when his talented wife January posts. Everything is awesome and I love that Brandon is spreading the word about Upper Cervical Chiropractic and it's benefits. I also love January's posts, you can read her latest one here.
2) Informed Parenting- I love this blog because the mama who runs it takes the time to post all kinds of awesome things she finds on other blogs. She has great information and she also has helped me find some fantastic resources. You can check her out here.
3) Banned From Baby Showers-
This is a brilliant blog by my Bradley Method teacher. She is doing fantastic things in the birth world out there in Texas (much needed) and has some fantastic posts. Check her out here.
4) The Good Enough Parent-
I found this blog because the mama who writes it did an interview with me a few months ago. She has some fantastic musings on motherhood and the struggle to be "good enough". Love it!
5) Peaceful Parenting-
I LOVE this blog. They post often, and they have tons and tons of evidence based articles pertaining to natural birth and parenting, covering everything from baby wearing to immunizations. I re- post their stuff often.
6) The Daily Guggie Daly-
Lots of info on this amazing mama's blog! She is passionate and covers lots of natural parenting subjects, especially circumcision, and loving parenting. Check out this talented mama.
7)Memoirs of Motherhood-
I love things that make me appreciate the divine role of mothers, and this blog does just that. Plus this mama is a talented writer. She is well worth the read.
8)pure Motherhood-
This mama is one of my FB fans and I love her new little blog. She also has a Christian approach and covers things like cloth diapering that I just can't talk about.
9)Birth Faith -
This is a great blog about- what else- birth! I always enjoy this mamas insights.
10)The Feminist Breeder-
I have recently discovered this blog and I love her feisty way of putting things and how this mama is just so HONEST about life and birth and motherhood. I also love that she is somebody out there who recognizes the connection between feminism and normal birth.
Thanks for checking in- hope you can find some new info from these talented bloggers. And by the way- thanks for taking the time to EVER read this blog. I simply can not believe that anybody does. I just started writing it so I wouldn't yell at people about birth any more!
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