Wednesday, June 21, 2006

killer bees

Buzz in the hood:
Thousands of killer bees form
a swarming balaclava on Marin Tellez in Bucaramanga, Colombia.
The beekeeper was trying to cover himself with roughly half a million
Africanized bees to break the 1998 Guinness world record of 350,000.

cards of house

Guinness record holder for house of cards working on model of the Iowa State Capitol Building.

The building are hot, it was in the low nineties and the humidity was 100%. There were a lot of very large fans blowing inside and yet these cards did not fall.

He uses no glue, tape, or other stuff to hold the cards. Pretty incredible

Guinness World Records are not records anymore

hand is tool box

wow hand

this is really unbeleivable hand

kootoo 12

Aside from suffering a scalping by a swift polar bear slap, this poor man also had been clawed and mauled by the angry bear Every camper's nightmare. A hungry polar bear attacks the sleeping campers. The bear tore through the tent without warning.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


To Believe or Not to Believe that is the question

“Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it.
Do not believe simply because it has been handed down for many generations.
Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many.
Do not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures.
Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis.
When you find that it agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.” —Salman Khan

Believe is one of many words used in our language that can easily mislead and misrepresent the user's intent. This can be attributed to its' denotative and subjective subtleties. It seems "believe" is the catch all verb of choice.

believe (verb) 1. to accept as true or as speaking truth. [synonyms: -be certain of -put one's faith in] 2. think; suppose. [synonyms: assume, maintain, presume] to believe in 1. have faith in the existence of. [synonyms: swear by; trust in; have faith in ] 2. feel sure of the worth of.

belief (noun) 1. firm opinion; acceptance "that is my belief" 2. religious conviction "he has no belief" 3. belief in: trust or confidence "belief in the justice system" [1]

How we use the word
There are two circumstances in which to use the word "believe"; the religious and the rational. By religious, I mean a fundamentalistic zealous attitude towards the belief. In the religious viewpoint, the act of believing is to accept as true or real without need of additional confirmation or proof. We often think this only applies to religious situations but it can apply to any domain. There is a problem with this attitude; it does not allow for change or growth. The person who uses this standpoint already accepts the belief as FACT.

The rational version of the verb "to believe" allows for change because its acceptance of truth is based on assumption and conjecture. This standpoint allows for mistakes and as humans, we have the capacity to learn from our mistakes. The following scenario is over simplified but it goes something like this:

What is the Earth's shape?

The religious believer—"I believe the earth is flat." I know this to be true and nothing you are going to say will change my mind because I am right.

The rational believer— "I believe the earth is flat." I presume this is so, because when I walk I appear to go in a straight line.

Note: With the rational outlook, the presumption can be tested and tried until it has mutated into fact or knowledge with evidence to support it.

— and the answer today?

The standard response is: “the earth is round”, but to be more precise, it is really an oblate spheroid.

For more information: an excellent detailed explanation of the implicit and explicit usage of belief can be found at the following link: The Internet of Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

How we believe
Humans are pattern seeking creatures. This skill, of being able to establish patterns and causal relationships, seems to be inherent in our nature and is attributed our survival instinct. Patterns are ascertained through experience. The problem is knowing which pattern is beneficial, harmful or useless. We learn what works and doesn't work through repetitive experiences.

For example: Early humans learned the pattern of the seasons and eventually developed agriculture.

Natures' patterns can be observed and learned but what of the abstract concepts like magic, religion and god. —How did we begin to (religiously) believe in what we couldn't see? Below are a few possible theories of the origins of spiritual belief:

* Humans are born with the inherent capacity to believe in mystical concepts
* Early man manifested the "abstract" for those situations where there were no patterns to establish reason; a kind of Proto-science if you will.
* Mysticism is a false paradigm that our ancestors accepted as truth and is now slowly de-evolving through the expansion of scientific knowledge.
* Earth was visited by an advanced culture in ancient times and early man developed the divine concept. —Not my most favored theory, I must admit.

Why we believe
Each person will have their own reason for believing or not believing in something; be it from the religious or rational viewpoint. When it comes to religious spiritual beliefs it could be for any number of reasons. In the following list, god is used generically to reflect all possibilities and is not gender or denomination specific:

* Believing in god answers the need to believe in something.
* An individual believes in god because they were taught to believe.
* God must exist because there exists a living universe.
* God gives life meaning and purpose; by helping define our sense of self.
* God provides control and guidance in life through fear of retribution. Depending on the belief this can be in the present, in the afterlife, reincarnation or karma.
* There has to be more to life than 'life and death'.

What we believe

I cannot answer for anyone else. ~For myself, I find patterns and rituals comforting and meaningful. I know that I need more than just rationalization to explain my world. For some it is science, for others it's religion but for me --the answer lies somewhere in between.

Something to think about

Given the assumptions:
(a) There appears to be a hierarchical order within nature.
(b) Awareness may or may not exist between levels.

Is there hierarchical level above man?
Would you call "it" god?

[If yes]
Is it something we, as humans, can define?
Does it care about the lower levels within the hierarchy?
Should it be revered?

[If no]
Will science meet all the needs of humans beyond the realm of logic?

Monday, June 19, 2006

Flobbity Blob!

Flobbity Blob!

I was sitting in the supermarket car park today listening to the radio, as you do, when I realised that virtually every woman I saw was HUGE!

What the fuck is going on in our society? It seems to be mostly women (and unfortunately their poor kids) that are grossly overweight. You don't see that many fat blokes.

Anyway, I'd say that about 80% of the women going into the supermarket were obese - not just pleasantly plump but fucking ginormous!

I could kill another burger...

I watched a documentary recently about blokes who get off by getting their women to be so fat that they're 100% dependant on them - "feeders". Well, I don't know about you but I like my women to have some flesh on the bones but this is ridiculous.

The other theory is that by getting really fat these women are actually avoiding sex - if that's true then their men need to get their act together!

So ladies throw away the chocolate biscuits and get them off - I can't think of a more efficient (and fun) way to lose all that excess weight

Thursday, June 8, 2006

Beware of Chinese restaurants